Vivo Rajasthan organized the Vivo V17 Pro launch event carrying the tagline “Clear as Real” in Hotel Fairmont. The event aimed at acquainting the colossal clan of Vivo Rajasthan with the new smartphone.
“The fear of being different prevents from seeking new ways to solve problems” and it was the sole crux of the launch which turned into an infotainment event to update the retailers, distributors, and VBAs across Rajasthan with the specs of the Vivo V17Pro smartphone.
The night was followed by the Vivo India’s national launch event that took place on 20th Sept 2019.
As the night was primarily set to define how Vivo V17Pro is “Clear as Real”; the bout began with showcasing pictures shot by the Nat Geo photographers who were sent to Varanasi, Rajasthan and Ladakh. The pictures shot from the phone were as sharp, precise with details and accurate in colors as any snaps taken from the DSLR cameras.
“The new features of Vivo V17 Pro allow you the proximity to observe the details that are around you” quoted Mr. Nirvair Singh Rai, one of the experienced blogger on a project with National Geographic Traveller and Vivo.
Up next, was the segment of the Vivo brand journey. “When you look back, it gives you the strength to move forward and for us sky-high is the goal” quoted Mr, Rahul Jaiswal the SCM head of Vivo Rajasthan. As the event welcomed folks handling and linking the sales channel, he started with talking about consumer satisfaction and consistent growth that Vivo has managed.