WhatsApp Guide: Save Photos And Videos From Status

WhatsApp, once started as a messaging app has now become a ubiquitous social media application because of its storytelling feature added a few years ago. The WhatsApp story is more similar to the Instagram and Snapchat stories, which gets auto removed after 24hours of uploading. 

While adding WhatsApp status is very easy but what if you want to save the status of another person? Almost everyone has that one friend in their WhatsApp contact list whose status you like the most. Now, you might want to use the same as your status or save and share it with your other friends.  

Though many of you can save a picture by taking the screenshot; but how to save WhatsApp status video

Steps to Save WhatsApp Staus

Well, we know a trick to save those videos as well. Continue reading and follow our simple guide to help you for downloading WhatsApp statuses of your contacts. 


Open the file manager
of your phone


Tap the hamburger icon (three dots) present at the right corner of the screen.

Step: 3

On the next screen, from settings, enable the option of show hidden files.


Now go to the internal storage of your device.


Search the WhatsApp

Step: 6

Go to media and open the folder named ‘.Statuses’